Today we have a special feature for you - the story of TheSuccessCity and its owner, one of our partners to whom we gave a helping hand to achieve a business breakthrough. Hopefully, this will be the story that will inspire you to write your own success story as well!
Turning a hobby into a source of income
Martin Malinovsky (@artistfromthefuture), founder of the online store TheSuccessCity, had already had some experience in design creating. He used to create many different designs in styles such as urban, sci fi collage, motivational - just for fun and because why not? People loved the art he published on his Instagram account, so naturally, a question popped up in his mind - why not turn this hobby into a source of income?

If you like it, then there will be someone out there who likes it too
This is what Martin has to say to the new Printseekers partners on what kept him going. As always, he tries to inspire those around him and the ones behind this screen. So, what happened after the grand income idea was born?
His followers gave the first clues on what he should do by asking for prints of the different designs. So, just like most of us, he googled some stuff and came across some inspiration on how to offer just that. The breakthrough of his business journey came when he found out that there is a business model out there that benefits artists like him - print on demand dropshipping. By choosing this path, he didn’t have to worry about most of the complex stuff, such as printing and shipping or even holding inventory.
All of that would be taken care of by the supplier, Printseekers, so what he needed next were designs and an online shop. Although he already had some designs, he also asked for a helping hand from another designer. As for the online store - Printseekers helped him set up a Shopify-based shop called TheSuccessCity, which features Martin’s original collages and designs alongside more mainstream motivational artworks for extra profitability.
As an artist and beginner shop owner, he wasn't sure about the new direction, yet Printseekers market analysis proved correct - these designs sold like hot cakes, people love success, that‘s why they demanded more. More of not only designs, but product types too, that’s why we also started printing canvas for TheSuccessCity, not just posters. Oh, and also framed posters!

The more successful you are, the harder it will get
Martin says that the first steps to start his business, of course, were hard, but not as hard as the next ones. As you get more and more recognition, customers, orders, and of course, success, you will also get more responsibility and issues to deal with. But that’s not a sign to stress out or give up. The hard times are the ones you will learn from, he says.
The hardest stuff - fulfilment - was being handled by Printseeekers, but that doesn't mean it was smooth sailing from there. He talked about many issues that needed and still need to be solved. Among them the loading times of the website, which were slowed down by all the plugins and apps. Then there was the marketing - as someone, who had never advertised before, there was a lot to learn.
Advice to the successors
Right now Martin’s business is booming, customers love the inspirational designs and the print quality. Of course, there still are things that have to be taken care of or improved, but that's what business is, you always have to keep your head in the game.
For others, who want to try their hand in the print on demand business, Martin has some advice. If you are struggling to think of some elements for your online store, for example the name of it, you have to study your target audience. Who are the people you want to sell your product to? What would they love to see? What kind of people are they? Once you are completely sure to whom you are selling, it will be easier to come up with solutions to your problems.The same goes to those creators who want to improve their brand. Study your customers to improve your business.
Another helpful tip, Martin says, is to check if your products have a demand in the market before getting serious. How can you do that? TheSuccessCity’s owner recommends Etsy. He says that it is easy to find customers there, and to analyse your product potential demand-wise. Also, your social media accounts can be life savers, so try to invest much thought and time there - the people who love the content of your social media might become your loyal customers.
And the last advice Martin has for you all, is to take your time. Do everything slowly and love what you do, then you will get to the success you deserve.
The future for the artist from the future
Looking back to the beginnings of TheSuccessCity, Martin says that now he is more steady on his feet than he was at first. He is more confident in himself, has learned a lot and easily can calculate the next steps he has to take. As for the future he sees for TheSuccessCity, he says that he will focus more on originality and individuality of his designs, he wants his works to have a unique touch while preserving the urban style and inspirational theme that so many of his customers love.
If you are ready to become the next print on demand success story on the block, feel free to contact us!